About Eloise

I write about the politics of childhood, parenting, education, and children’s rights and liberation.

My second book, It’s Not Fair: why it’s time for a grown-up conversation about how we treat children will be published in June 2024. You can preorder it here or from any good bookshop.

I write Small Places, a newsletter where I share writing about adultism, children’s rights, and parenting, as well as more personal essays and thoughts.

My first book Extraordinary Parenting was published in 2020.

Alongside my writing, I am currently completing an MA in Children’s Rights at the UCL Institute of Education. My first degree was in Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge; this is where I first became interested in how childhood and family practices shape society.

I also run a home education membership group. I am an experienced parent educator, having worked with thousands of families around the world since 2018.

When I’m not writing, I can most likely be found at the kitchen table surrounded by pens and books with my daughter, who is home educated.

I grew up by the sea in Brighton, but I currently live in London with my husband, daughter, and a big ginger cat.

I’m on Instagram here.